Tofu is a healthy food that gets a bad name. The bad name it gets is: TOFU. Ugh! Who would want to eat something called TOE-FOO? Is it scraped off of the Toes of Foo? Who is Foo anyway, and how clean are their Toes? If Tofu doesn’t come from Foo’s Toes, where does it come from? Alternatively, Tofu is called Bean Curd. FAIL #2! I don’t even want to explore what kind of a procedure a helpless bean might be forced to endure to get its curd on.
Tofu is made from Soymilk. Soymilk goes through a process of coagulation then pressing to remove the liquid whey, resulting in the formation of familiar white Tofu blocks. Soymilk is produced by soaking dry soybeans then grinding them with water, and has an amount of protein comparable to cow’s milk, with less fat. The coagulated protein from soy milk can be made into tofu, just as dairy milk can be made into cheese. So...Tofu is the cheese of soymilk!? Cheese from Foo’s Toes! More appetizing visuals from yours truly at :)
All kidding aside, Tofu is a healthy and high source of Protein, scraping in at a whopping 10grams for 1/2 cup serving. It is also a good source of Calcium, and a decent source of Iron and other minerals such as Manganese, Selenium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus. Tofu is clipped on calories and fat at 88 and 5g, respectively. Tofu can be used as a polished main dish, or filed away as a side dish. Need a buffer against antioxidants? Tofu has 228mg of Omega 3 fatty acids, and 2019mg of Omega 6!

Get your hands (and feet) on some Tofu today! I find in the produce section, next to other refrigerated Soy products. It’s sold in a 14 ounce package usually, and can be “extra firm,” “firm,” or “soft.” It is packed in water and must be kept refrigerated and used within 2-3 days once opened, changing the water once daily. Share your Tofu recipes with us!
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